The Electric Deregulation

  Electric deregulation in Texas began on January 1, 2002.  Texas lawmakers changed state law to allow customers to have more control over their electric bills.

  In the past, one company provided all aspects of your electric service (generation, transmission and distribution, and retail sales). With the introduction of competition, these parts are now separate, giving customers the power of choice.

   The delivery of electricity across poles and wires to your home is called transmission and distribution.  These services are provided to you by the local wires company, which are still responsible for maintaining the electrical infrastructure.  No matter which Retail Electric Provider (REP) you select to provide service, the Public Utility Commission (PUC) continues to enforce customer protections and regulate the delivery of electricity to Texas customers.

  The main concept for the customer to understand is:.  You have the power to choose the best retail electric provider for your individual circumstances AND you have the protection of the public utility commission to ensure that the electricity is as reliable as it’s always been.

   Why Competition?

   Texas lawmakers changed state law to enable customers to have more control over their purchase of electric service.  The consensus was that competition is good for Texas.  Over time, competition for electric service is expected to lower rates and speed the development of new technologies.  Competition also is expected to create new jobs, stimulate the economy, and help the environment.


Granite Power, Inc. is here to help you make the best choice.